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Butterfly Gardens

Everyone loves a beautiful flower garden, full of color and variety, but did you know that many landscaping favorites: daylilies, hostas, spireas, and hybrid perennials leave a lot to be desired from a pollinator’s perspective? In fact, some specialized hybrids have almost no pollen or seeds at all! For butterflies, bees, and birds that rely on nectar and pollen as a food source these sterile landscape staples are like staring at a painting, nice to look at but you sure can’t eat it. To encourage wildlife to visit your yard, it is far better to go native! Contact us about installing a small or large butterfly garden to complement your existing landscaping. Our first-hand experience has taught us that many native plants make great landscape additions and bring a dynamism and action to the yard. Even an urban yard can be full of life.  Coneflower and liatris species are excellent nectar plants for butterflies and bees, and when the flowering is done the seeds attract goldfinches and other seed-loving birds. Don’t forget our native milkweed species! Several of these milkweeds not only provide a food source for North America’s iconic Monarch Butterfly, but are also excellent landscaping plants.

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